
All publications


Phylogenomics to understand fungal biology

Marcet-Houben, Gabaldón T&. (2013). Phylogenomics to understand fungal biology. In The Mycota Vol. XIII: Fungal Genomics, 2nd ed. (Minou Nowrousian, ed.). Springer Verlag. (ISBN: 978-3-642-45127-8) ...

Salinibacter ruber: the never ending microdiversity? In Evolution of Halophiles

Peña A, Gomariz M, Lucio M, González-Torres P, Huerta-Cepas J, Martínez-García M, Santos F, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Gabaldón T, Rosselló-Móra R, Antón J. (2013) Salinibacter ruber: the never ending microdiversity? In Evolution of Halophiles; Genomes and Genetics. Ed. R. Thane Papke. Horizon Press. (ISBN: 978-1-908230-42-3) ...

Mitochondrial origins. In Organelle Genetics : Evolution of organelle genomes and gene expression

Gabaldón T&. (2011). Mitochondrial origins. In Organelle Genetics : Evolution of organelle genomes and gene expression. 3-18 Ed. Charles Bullerwell. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. ...

From Genomics to Microevolution and Ecology: The Case of Salinibacter ruber

Peña A, Teeling H, Huerta-Cepas J, Santos F, Yarza P, Brito-Echeverría J, Lucio M, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Meseguer I, Schenowitz C, Dossat C, Barbe V, Dopazo J, Rosselló-Mora R, Schüler M, Glöckner FO, Amann R, Gabaldón T, Antón J. (2011) From Genomics to Microevolution and Ecology: The Case of Salinibacter ruber. In Halophiles and Hypersaline Environments: Current Research and Future Trends. 109-122. Edited by Ventosa A., Oren A. Ma Y. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. ...

Evolution of fungi and their respiratory metabolism

Marcet-Houben M and Gabaldón, T (2011). Evolution of fungi and their respiratory metabolism. In Evolutionary Biology: Concepts, Biodiversity, Macroevolution and Genome Evolution. 257-272 Edited by Pontarotti P. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. ...