
All publications


Tracing the evolution of a large protein complex in the eukaryotes

Gabaldón T, Rainey D and Huynen, MA. (2005) Tracing the evolution of a large protein complex in the eukaryotes, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) . J. Mol. Biol.. 13;348(4):857-70. ...

Shaping the mitochondrial proteome

Gabaldón T. & Huynen MA. (2004) Shaping the mitochondrial proteome. BBA– Bioenergetics. Vol 1659/2-3 pp 212-220. ...

Prediction of protein function and pathways in the genome era

Gabaldón, T. and Huynen, MA. (2004) Prediction of protein function and pathways in the genome era. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 61;(7-8):930-44. ...

Reconstruction of the protomitochondrial metabolism

Gabaldón, T. and Huynen, MA. (2003) Reconstruction of the protomitochondrial metabolism. Science 1;301(5633):609. ...

Mitochondrial origins. In Organelle Genetics : Evolution of organelle genomes and gene expression

Gabaldón T&. (2011). Mitochondrial origins. In Organelle Genetics : Evolution of organelle genomes and gene expression. 3-18 Ed. Charles Bullerwell. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. ...